Start keeping a blog and then you're away from home for a couple of weeks, and the blog is neglected.
Is this weather great or what? Just the other day I broke into song, "Our state fair is a great state fair, don't miss it, don't even be late." Every September, when the morning air is chilled, you know that the Great State Fair of Texas can't be far away. On last night's news, Big Tex's head was sitting on the ground, waiting to be hoisted to its perch on Big Tex's shoulders. There was a time when we would stand in front of Big Tex and wait for his jaw to move so that we could hear, "HOW-dee, folks. Wel-come to the State Fair of Texas." Now I just use it as a landmark to find the onion strings and Fletcher's corny dogs.
We had such an awfully dry winter and summer and several small trees in our yard recently died, despite my fairly careful attention. The saddest loss was a 20' river birch that Mike bought me a few years ago. The bark was beautiful and I peeled several pieces of it to save after Mike cut it down.
The roses are very happy about this cooler, wetter weather and have begun a new blooming cycle. Chives are also blooming, as well as the bitterweed, salvias, skullcap, crepe myrtles, mealy blue sage, and spider lilies are popping up here and there.